one day at a time

If I don’t start tracking my food, like today, all the hard work I’ve done over this past year is going to disappear. Isn’t it amazing how fast you can put on weight and how long it takes to lose it? Right now I have a muffin top. In two weeks it will be a bundt cake. Why is it so hard to get back on the wagon once you’ve fallen off? Every night I go to bed and say, “I’ll start tomorrow.” Then the morning comes and the day seems so daunting, and all I want is a nice muffin or scone or croissant. Greek yogurt does not pair well with coffee, and it certainly does not make me feel warm and cozy.

I had the best pumpkin muffin and Fair Trade coffee at the original City Feed and Supply today.

I’m still struggling with the extremes of being on or off a diet. I just stopped mid-sentence because I was going to write that I don’t know how to go from dieting to making a lifestyle change. Then I laughed because I’ve TOTALLY changed my lifestyle to include exercise. And I did that by taking one step at a time, being consistent, and not beating myself up if I missed a workout. Huh. Maybe this applies to food too…

My breakfast buddy – some random totally adorable dog. He likes muffins too.

This makes me think of my friend Jessie who recently lost about 18 lbs. He and I were trapped in the car for almost three hours this weekend, taking our lives in our own hands as we drove through torrents of rain (the remnants of some tornado weather). During that time we talked about his weight loss. He’s been using MyFitnessPal (the online calorie counter) for the last few months. I’ve used this same site in the past. It’s easy to use but it obviously has not worked for me. His secret? Well, like most things, it doesn’t work if you don’t use it. He fills it in even when he’s fallen off from his plan. He fills in the Buffalo wings with bleu cheese. He fills in the Oktoberfest with the sugared rim. In other words, he looks shame in the face and he spits on it! When I “cheat,” I pretend the day did not exist. If I don’t fill it in, then the calories don’t count right? “No, no, no,” says the evil fat fairy. They count just the same, except it’s worse because you feel guilty about it to boot. Then the cycle of guilt and regret begins again. Well you know what shame? This is what I have to say to you.

Are you talkin’ to me? Are you talkin’ to me?

So, as of today, I’m going to start filling in MyFitnessPal, even though I’ve eaten like absolute crap. My goal is to fill it in everyday even when I go over my calorie limit. But for now, one day at a time. Thank you Jessie for being such a source of inspiration!

10 thoughts on “one day at a time

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  1. Im so excited that I got a shout out! We’ve got this battle (and yes, for me it’s a battle every day), but we are bigger than this (that was not meant as a fat joke!) love u bunches, and glad we didn’t get swooped up into that tornado!

  2. Absolutely love your blog. As a new member of GISFW, I can totally identify! The shame/guilt cycle is one I find myself in often – it’s nice to see others learning to cope with the same struggle. So I join you in solidarity – let’s flip off shame together and ride into a thinner sunset!

    1. Wow Julie! Thanks so much for reading – and for joining me to fight the fight! You’ll love GISFW. Like I said, it’s the best investment I’ve ever made in myself. We shall ride off into the sunset, skinny or chubby, as long as we’re happy 🙂

    1. Hi Edna – your comment ended up in my spam box so that accounts for the delay in response. Thank you so much for reading! I checked out your blog and it’s great! I think a lot of the themes we touch on related directly to one another. P.S. – What country do you live in?

  3. Love your blog! You’re right, all we can do is one day at a time….sometimes one hour or one minute at a time 🙂 …….stay strong and your GISFW fans are with you every step of the way!!

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