operation skinny bitch

It’s less than a month until July 4th and I STILL haven’t reached my goal. I’ve accepted that I’m not going to be at my high school weight, but GOD! Look at the picture. You’d think that since I’ve been working out like it’s my job, I’d be a little thinner than this. But it’s the food. I just can’t stop stuffing my face. Late last night, after a crappy day of having my car towed, I was feeling sorry for myself. So I drove up to Centre Street, and like a woman possessed, I was transported into Charlie Chan’s. (Despite my constant eating, I never go to these kind of skeeve holes.) But once there, I ordered a Pu Pu Platter for one. It came in a grease soaked brown paper bag, and once opened, a sea of deep fried, not goodness, but nastiness, tumbled out. I was repulsed. (And I also had a fleeting thought about an article I read in the Metro about Chinese restaurants that were busted for serving cat, which pretty much sealed the deal.) So I threw the “food” in the trash, went home and went to bed.

I know I’m supposed to love myself, but all I can see are my fat thighs and my saggy boobs.

I’ve had enough of the extremes. I’m either eating clean or I’m eating dirty. And when I say I’m like a woman possessed, I’m kind of not joking. Something comes over me and my rational mind shuts off. (Does this happen to you? I’m so curious about how other people are triggered to eat…let me know.) I forget about the bikini and the jeans and I just think of the immediate gratification. I want the bad feelings to go away, and for a brief moment, the food usually comforts me. Soon after, my stomach is full, but the emptiness is still there. Throughout this process, I’ve realized what an emotional eater I am. I’m kind of shocked at how often I eat because I feel sad, and even more shocked at how often I feel sad. I’ve got to change my thought patterns. I’ve got to start embracing the positive and feeling gratitude for all the good things in my life. So, despite the cold and the rain which usually brings me down, I’m going to try to be positive. (I know a life coach would tell me not to “try” just “do” but geez Louise, that’s the best I can do for today.)

Do I look skinnier from the side?

So now it’s time to take this yo-yoing, and I guess that’s really what it is, out of my dieting repertoire. Tonight I take a trip to Whole Foods to kick off Operation Skinny Bitch, and I’d like you to join me. Your mission, ladies and fat gentlemen, if you choose to accept it, is to first track your food intake online. Go to www.myfitnesspal.com and become a member. (It’s free!) Once there, click on “find members” in the tool bar. Type in my user name “christyannbetit” and add me as a friend. We can see each others progress, encourage each other, and have some accountability. Second, go weigh in, take your measurements, and take a picture of yourself (preferably in a bathing suit) so you’ll have many ways of measuring your progress. I know it’s scary, but once you check under the bed, the monster‘s usually not there. And if he is, pull him out into the light, and I bet he won’t be nearly as frightening as you thought. Third, comment about your challenges and your triumphs on my blog. I’ll be asking you how you’re doing, and I’m hoping you’ll be open and honest about your process because it will help everyone involved. Finally, give yourself a pat on the back. You’ll be taking the first step toward greater confidence and a greater sense of control. Once we’ve reached our one month goal, maybe we can get together and celebrate (with water and a celery stick – he, he)! Now GO because this blog will self destruct in 5 seconds.

4 thoughts on “operation skinny bitch

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  1. Good for you, girl! My issue is definitely a combination of emotional eating and eating out of boredom. I tried to take a walk one night last week instead of snacking, but with the weather as it’s been this week, it hasn’t been very appealing.

    My other issue is that I can some how consume an amazing quantity of food once I dig in. I think it has to do with boredom and the gratification of certain foods. A peanut butter sandwich isn’t the worst thing in the world to eat, but there’s no reason to eat three right in row! I’ve been trying to combat this with raw fruits and veggies. Baby carrots and apples tend to make my jaws tired, and I don’t feel like eating anymore. (And the fiber is filling.)

    Hopefully we can catch up sometime! I really think you might like the Jillian Michaels book I mentioned before.

    Take care and eat well!

    1. Thanks Nicole! I know all about consuming amazing quantities. I like the idea of the hard food so your jaw gets tired! Good tip. There’s a copy of that Jillian Michaels cookbook at my gym and it looks great. I’ve got to start getting more creative with my food because it gets boring really quickly. Yes, let’s catch up. We love so close to each other. We could go for a walk…or even a run? xoxo

  2. I’m always down to go running with you. For me, the more cardio the better, it makes me feel amazing. I volunteered at the yoga studio for 1 hour last week and got 2 free classes!

    1. That is awesome! I’ll be done with my Tues / Thurs teaching in a couple of weeks so I’ll have a ton of time to work out. Can’t wait to go to yoga tomorrow! Maybe I’ll volunteer with you sometime and get some free ones! See you tomorrow 🙂

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